Veterinary Innovation Council
A collaborative, industry-wide initiative focused on leading innovation in global animal health through veterinary innovation.
The Veterinary Innovation Council is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving access and quality in animal healthcare worldwide by developing and championing disruptive solutions surrounding key emerging issues.
Shaping the future of veterinary medicine, together.
Innovation that advances the veterinary medical profession and leads to improved animal health and welfare.
The Veterinary Innovation Council is lead by an incredible team of professionals committed to improving the future animal healthcare.
Aaron Massecar
Dr. Aaron Massecar, MA, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Veterinary Innovation Council. With a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Guelph, he shifted from academia to veterinary medicine for greater impact. He co-founded the Veterinary Entrepreneurship Academy and the Veterinary Innovation Summit at Texas A&M, later joining the Veterinary Innovation Council in 2017. Dr. Massecar also held senior roles at Colorado State University and the Veterinary Emergency Group. Now back at VIC, he focuses on driving industry awareness in innovation, entrepreneurship, and artificial intelligence. Aaron resides in Colorado with his wife, three dogs, and two cats.
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